Sheraton Suites
Alexandria, Virginia, August 28 – September 2, 2002
Chaired by Russ and Penny Linsley
Attendance 82 (Plus four (4) additional at banquet)
44 shipmates attended
Our fourteenth Reunion group, including 10 first timers, enjoyed the enmities of the beautiful hotel, daily breakfast buffet and the Starward Club Level Room as our Hospitality Room. Linda Skiba, Hospitality Room Hostess and her helpers contributed to another very successful reunion.
Thursday was registration and do-your-own-thing day. Being in Old Town afforded United States history, shopping and sight seeing. Many attendees toured Mount Vernon and the George Washington Masonic National Memorial with more sight -seeing via the Tourmobile to visit the monuments, memorials and other Washington DC. Sights.
On Friday we toured the Naval Academy, which for many was a first time visit. A memorial service for Departed Shipmates was held in the Beautiful Academy Chapel. A very memorable experience. We had lunch at the Dry Dock on the Campus. Saturday we enjoyed a luncheon cruise aboard the “Nina’s Dandy”. We cruised the Potomac from Alexandria, to Georgetown. And…. the food was excellent.
Sunday was an open day except for our General Business Meeting and fund raising raffle in the morning and more Old Town and Turmobilling”
Sunday evening was our annual Banquet and 50/50 drawing. The festivities were followed by the passing of the gavel from current President Russ Linlsey to our new 2002-2003 President Don Cambert. Don Cambert announced that next years reunion will be held in Columbus, Ohio.
Monday was our farewells to our shipmates and guests and our resolve to meet again next year in Ohio.